Getting Started with the WA

Welcome to the Weatherization Assistant Training

Welcome to the Weatherization Assistant energy audit software training! The Weatherization Assistant is an energy audit software tool developed for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The Weatherization Assistant is used by states and local weatherization agencies to identify and prioritize cost-effective weatherization measures applicable to a home. The Weatherization Assistant contains the National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) for site-built, single-family houses and the Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) for mobile homes. In addition, the Weatherization Assistant provides expanded optional capabilities that are useful in implementing and administering weatherization programs, including a work order feature. The software may be obtained from the Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center (WAPTAC) at the following web site: www.waptac.org

The Weatherization Assistant Training was developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for DOE. We developed this web-based training to teach you how to download and install the Weatherization Assistant software, setup your agency and libraries, initiate a new client, run a NEAT or MHEA audit on a house, and use the Weatherization Assistant’s optional administrative features.

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